Friday, October 11, 2013

Transportation Projects

After studying our community, we thought that it would be fun to create our own new mode of transportation. As a home-school connection, our Kindergarten students made a new transportation vehicle at home and then presented them at school. Wow! Our Kindergarten students are so very creative. Here is a show we made to showcase their hard work. We hope you like it! Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!

Classroom Community

Our Kindergarten students and teachers are so very proud of the amazing classroom communities that our children built. During this class project based learning activity, our students learned that our community needed all different kinds of places, people, and things. We created five different categories of buildings that we needed. There were buildings for communication, health/safety, entertainment, transportation, and education. Our students then choose a building that they thought was important and created it for our community. Then, we made a video on our MacBooks in Photobooth telling why that building was important to our community. Here is our classroom community show. We hope you enjoy it! Leave us a message and tell us what you think!

Shape Hunt

During our math unit on shapes, our Kindergarten students went around the school building and took picture of circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles using the Ipad2s. They had a wonderful time and found many places that unique shapes were hidden. What kinds of shapes can you find at home? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think!