Friday, September 27, 2019

Coke Floats and Coding

Our Watson Wildcat Kindergarten-Second Graders enjoyed an exciting afternoon of delicious Coke Floats and Coding games all to benefit our Find Your Light Foundation Service Project. The food was fabulous and we loved all of the technology experiences we got to enjoy. Check out our Scratch Jr. creations, Bits 'N Bricks games, Kinesthetic Coding games, and super Spheros. So much fun! :)

Fabulous Four Seasons

We have had so much fun learning about the fabulous four seasons this week. We have been singing about them, playing games about them, and creating trees from each season. Check out our beautiful seasons art and game pictures. For a special treat from this week, ask your child to sing the four seasons song! It's sure to bring a smile to your face. :)




Seasons Sort

Seasons Four Corners Game

Float Your Boat

This week we learned about Christopher Columbus. We studied about his contributions to our history and the many explorations he led. Then, we enjoyed an exciting STEAM opportunity where we created our own boats out of recyclable materials and tested them to see if they would float. Check out our amazing boats and a video of them in action: