Our Watson Wildcats stayed after school on Thursday to enjoy a Movie Night benefiting our Find Your Light Service Project. Our students had an awesome time enjoying Encanto and some tasty pizza. Not only did we have a wonderful time, but we were able to continue to add funds to our service project! Here are some sweet pictures from our fun afternoon together! We hope you enjoy them!
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Music Around the World--A Christmas Edition--Week 6--Germany
Wow! What an exciting day we had today at our sixth morning of our Music Around the World class! Today we learned about another wonderful country--Germany! We focused on how Germany is the birthplace of the Christmas tree and learned one of their favorite German songs, "O Christmas Tree." After reviewing, "Mele Kalikimaka," and "Jingle Bells" we were treated to a special guest, Miss Todd's Dad, Mr. Todd. He played his guitar for us and sang, "Sneaky Snake", a song that he and Miss Todd sang together when she was our age. After enjoying Mr. Todd's presentation, we had the opportunity to create string things and washboards. We used these instruments to accompany our song, "O Christmas Tree!" You can listen to our rousing rendition in the show we made below. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about our fun day!
Career Day
What an exciting day we had learning about the different careers that the world has to offer! We enjoyed learning about working as a social media public relations expert, owning a Crumbl cookie franchise, and hosting parties as a DJ. We had so much fun and can't wait to explore more careers, as we grow up! Special thank you to Ms. Taylor for hosting such an amazing day and for our Watson family members who came to school and shared their career with us today. We appreciate you! Check out the videos and pictures from our special day:
2D Shapes
We had a ton of fun this week learning about 2D shapes. We enjoyed making rectangles, squares, circles, and triangles out of playdough and toothpicks. We used this lesson to learn about sides and vertices in our 2D shapes. Check out our awesome 2D shape activities from this week:
We also enjoyed a 2D shape sort where we identified circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles. We talked about their characteristics and how they are alike and different. Check out our shape stations:
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Music Around the World--A Christmas Edition--Week 5--South America
What an exciting day we had at our Music Around the World Class today! We learned all about South America and two of their favorite instruments--rainsticks and shakers. After exploring some of the special places you can visit in Brazil, we were able to learn about a day in the life of a boy from Brazil. We also saw some of the different ways that you can make a rainstick or shaker. We enjoyed learning about the rainsticks and shakers so much that we decided to make our very own rainsticks and shakers. Then, we had the privilege of singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" with our new instruments. Finally, we reviewed two of our favorite songs, "Mele Kalikimaka" and "Jolly Ole' Saint Nicholas". We had such a fabulous day and can not wait until next week! Here are some pictures and a video from our exciting day! Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!
Properties: A Study of Similarities and Differences
This week we completed a study of attributes or characteristics of an item. We practiced describing an item and finding the similarities and differences between items. You can view our ball description activity where we used describing words to talk about different types of balls. We made a bubble map of their properties. Then, we participated in a mystery box game where the students had to reach into a bag without looking and choose an item. Then, the children paired up and told how their item was similar/different from their friend's item. Finally, I have included a picture of our attribute train activity where our students had to find a shape and tell how it was similar to the shape that the student had laid down before them. They could find it to be similar in color, size, thickness, shape, etc.
3D Shapes
In math, we enjoyed a study of 3D shapes. We learned about spheres, cylinders, cubes, and cones. We talked about how many sides, faces, and corners these shapes have. We also tested them to see which ones can roll, stack, or slide. Finally, we participated in a 3D shape sort where we sorted some familiar foods by 3D shape, and we also went on a shape hunt around our school taking pictures of our 3D shapes using our iPads. Here are a few pictures of our fun shape sort: