(Featured songs or games include: a rousing rendition of Top, Middle, and the Bottom, a "Roll a Dice" game with Over/Under/On, and a chance to kick along to the "Cupid Shuffle" while learning left/right.) We also enjoyed doing the Hokey Pokey, while learning about left and right. Here we are in action:
After learning all about positional words, we had the opportunity to create our own video using some of these words on the Chatterpix app. We were able to take our own picture and choose a sticker to place on our picture. Then, the app allowed us to record ourselves telling where we had put the sticker. Our show turned out really funny! You should check it out!
In math, we continued our study of the Singapore Math model drawing process. This week we focused on subtraction strategies. We learned that subtraction means that you are removing something from a group and then counting to see how many are left over, after they have been removed. Once we practiced the subtraction model drawing process, we impressed Miss Todd by creating our own subtraction problems. Here are some of our problems that we created and solved ourselves:
In reading, we were introduced to media which includes advertisements from magazines and newspapers. We talked about how an item that is media is something that you can get information from. We also learned how ads use different strategies in their media to persuade you to buy their product. These strategies include the use of a variety of colors, fonts, and engaging pictures. After learning about media, we had the chance to create our own ads and persuade our classmates to buy our products. Here are some of our amazing ads: (Watch out! They may make you hungry!)
Finally, we enjoyed celebrating St. Patrick's Day with our friends this week! We dressed in green and had the chance to sort and graph Skittles in honor of this fun holiday. Here are some sweet pictures of our fun day! Enjoy! Leave us a comment and let us know what you thought about our exciting week in Kindergarten.
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