Friday, April 7, 2017

Music Around the World--Session 3--Week 5--America

Wow! What an exciting day we had today at our fifth morning of our Music Around the World Club! Today we learned about our country--America! We focused on how Texans like to put a country twist on American favorites. After reviewing "It's a Small World", "Kye Kye Kule", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", and "This Little Light of Mine." We were treated to a special guest, Miss Todd's Dad, Mr. Todd. He played his guitar for us and sang, "Sneaky Snake", a song that he and Miss Todd sang together when she was our age. If you watch closely, you can also see a sneak peak of Gus, Miss Todd's dog, who loves music and enjoys singing along to Mr. Todd's playing. After enjoying Mr. Todd's presentation, we had the opportunity to create string things, harmonicas, and washboards. We used these instruments to accompany our song, "You Are my Sunshine!" You can listen to our rousing rendition in the show we made below. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about our fun day!

Don't forget to join us on Thursday night, May 18th at 7:00 P.M. for our presentation of our Music Around the World Celebration Night! You are going to enjoy seeing all of the instruments that we have created and songs that we have learned on our musical journey around the world!


  1. Lovely pic. You all are doing an awesome job. Thanks miss Todd!

  2. We are so glad that you enjoyed it! Thank you for your sweet comment! :)
