Saturday, May 11, 2019

Hey Tiny Seed--Are You Something We Need?

Over the past two weeks, our Kindergartners have been participating in a project based learning (PBL) experience. Our driving question was, "How can a tiny seed make a big difference in our world?" During this unit, our students learned about plants. They were challenged to think critically about how plants impact our world and if/why plants are something that we need. Throughout these two weeks they learned the needs of plants, patterns in nature (life cycles of plants), how young plants resemble parent plants, how the Earth provides resources for life, and the parts of a plant. They participated in plant activities where these skills were reinforced. Here are some pictures from our special plant studies this week!

Plant Art

Plant Sort

Our Kindergartners then participated in a research project about plants. They worked to collect pictures of the items that plants need to live, documented the growth of their own lima bean plant, and recorded pictures of their own plant art. Then, they used these pictures to create a keynote presentation of their learning. Here are their keynotes for you to enjoy. Just click on your child's initials to check out their hard work. We hope you enjoy looking at them, as much as we did creating them. Thank you! 



















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