Sunday, November 15, 2020

Heating and Cooling Never Tasted So Good

 This week in science we had a wonderful time exploring the world of heating and cooling. We even made a tasty treat during our studies. Who knew that science could taste so good!

We started our week by creating ice chalk. We mixed together the ingredients we needed and poured the mixture into ice cube trays. Then, we placed it in the freezer to cool. The next day we were able to play with our ice chalk. It was messy but so much fun!

Then, we explored the world of heating and cooling through a fun taste test. We created ice cream by mixing the ingredients in a bowl and placing it in a bag. Then, we added our mixture to a large bag of rock salt and ice and shook it up to make a chemical reaction that would cause it to freeze and turn into ice cream. We enjoyed eating our creation along with a hot chocolate sauce that we had heated in a crock pot and poured on top. Here are some exciting pictures and videos from our fun adventures this week. We hope you like them!

Finally, We recorded what we learned about melting and freezing in our science journals. Check out our amazing illustrations of melting and freezing below: 

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