Friday, October 18, 2019

Properties: A Study of Similarities and Differences

This week we completed a study of attributes or characteristics of an item. We practiced describing an item and finding the similarities and differences between items. You can view our ball description activity where we used describing words to talk about different types of balls. We made a bubble map of their properties. Then, we participated in a mystery box game where the students had to reach into a bag without looking and choose an item. Then, the children paired up and told how their item was similar/different from their friend's item. Finally,  I have included a picture of our attribute train activity where our students had to find a shape and tell how it was similar to the shape that the student had laid down before them. They could find it to be similar in color, size, thickness, shape, etc.

Ball Bubble Maps and Categorizing Game

Mystery Bag Game

Attribute Train

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